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Always Orchid

Carol Van Den Hende



Series:  Goodbye Orchis Series book 3

Publisher:   Azine Press

Date Published:  2023

Book Length:  346

Format:  E Book supplied free by author in return for an honest opinion

Star Rating: 5***** I loved it and highly recommend

About Book: Phoenix Walker will never be the same. Nine months after a heroic act leaves him forever changed, he refuses to hurt Orchid Paige ever again.Orchid is ready to forgive. Convincing her guy she still loves him, no matter his injuries, she works to rebuild their intimacy. But their move to her family’s ancestral country unveils China’s superstitions against people with disabilities. Worse, their friend’s life has been upended by those prejudices.


My Thoughts: y Thoughts:  Always Orchid by Carol Van Den Hende started as it meant to go on – an emotional roller coaster. The prose was well written and flowed like a good river should with ebbs and  waves. The relationship between Phoenix and his twin brother Caleb was enthralling. I really enjoyed the conversation between the two. There were surprises early on in the book which kept me intrigued and guessing and the surprises kept on coming.

The characters were well developed and felt real to me which added to the authenticity. As I was invested in the main protagonists the book became more of an emotional rollercoaster with Orchid and Phoenix’s relationship. I liked the fact that each chapter came form a different point of view.

In conclusion a great book that I couldn’t put down, be ready for an emotional journey with the main protagonists that may well leave you laughing and crying a great book for lovers of romance but although it was a book about love, it was also about adversity, hope, fear and triumph.



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