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Dead Lions

Mick Herron


Thriller, Mystery, Suspense

Publisher: Baskerville

Date of Publication: 2022

Format: Kindle purchased myself

My Rating: 4/5 I liked it a lot and recommend.

About Book: In the Intelligence Service purgatory that is Slough House, where spies mockingly called the slow horses are sent to finish what is left of their careers, their boss Jackson Lamb is on his way Oxford. A former spook has turned up dead on a bus.Not an obvious target for assassination, Dickie Bow was a talented streetwalker back in the day. Good at following people, bringing home their secrets. Dickie was in Berlin with Jackson Lamb. Now Lamb's got his phone, on it the last secret Dickie ever told, and reason to believe an old-time Moscow-style op is being run in the Intelligence Service's backyard.Once a spook, always a spook, and Dickie was one of their own. To unearth Dickie's dying secret Jackson Lamb and his crew of no-hopers is about to go live.

My thoughts: This is book 2 of 8 in the slough house series. A good book if you are a fan of old fashioned spy thrillers. The story line is complex but that is probably down to the writing style with scintillating prose and a collection of well crafted, flawed characters.I think it would have helped me if I had read the 1st book to know the characters as you do need to hit the ground running with this book and it did take me a while get to know them. As there seems to be many twists and turns along with the odd red herring thrown in for good measure.This book is difficult to put down, and I recommend it to those who love well-crafted characters and as I mentioned earlier an old-fashioned spy thriller. Thankfully, the story does not end here, and there are 8 books in the series and I will go back to the first book and read the rest in order.

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